About Us
Through advising many fast growing professional and financial services firms, the UK trade body for the management consulting sector, and the world’s leading consulting market analyst firm, we understand what really matters to the PR, sales and marketing activities of consulting, advisory, and financial services organisations.

We deliver a clear return on investment – and this is reflected in our customer loyalty and feedback. No better illustration of ROI is the fact that standing out from the crowd has led to four of our clients attracting the attentions of, and being acquired by, multi-national organisations.

All our consultants are knowledgeable and passionate about what they do and have first-hand experience of working in, and with, the national and business trade media.

By taking a more strategic role in our client’s business we go one step further. We’ve supported sales of products, services and businesses, boosted revenues, changed market perceptions, and forged tactical alliances that deliver long term results.

We’re highly responsive and combine intimacy of service with the wide reach and multi-disciplinary expertise that so many clients now expect.
Our Services
Based in Bath, we’re a flexible, client-driven PR and content marketing consultancy offering either a joined-up approach to all of the services below, or advice on just one area.
We believe that long term relationships and working in collaboration with our clients really matters, and delivers more effective results. This is why we’ve worked with our clients for an average of eight years.
Our Work
We come up with strategic ideas and turn them into campaigns that are innovative and measurable.
Our Team
Our people really are our best asset: knowledgeable, professional, energetic and passionate about delivering great service, they are the reason our clients value us. we have been recognised by The Times for our global network of external associates. This network is a mix of seasoned journalists and PR professionals whose expertise we can draw on for specialist work or larger projects.