Uptick in inbound enquiries – May 24

When a client tells you that they have really noticed an uptick in inbound enquiries as a result of our work, you know that the results over the last two months have really had a positive impact on their business, highlighting once again the return-on-investment of PR.

Not only have we responded to a range of issues for Source Global Research, from the performance of the consulting industry, and structural changes within firms such as PwC, EY, and McKinsey, but we have also proactively published reports on the UK and GCC consulting markets.

During this short period, we have achieved media coverage in ten UK/US nationals including BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme – voted as the most influential news programme in Britain, and a number of international titles such as The Australian Financial Review, The National  and Gulf Business.

Source’s UK report was also widely picked up – featuring in The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, City AM and BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme.

Commenting on the UK’s consulting market, James Beeby, research lead at Source Global Research, said in the Financial Times:

“We anticipate growth to slow across all sectors this year — and in some cases, dramatically so. The market is therefore set to become both tighter and more competitive, and this will make it even more important that consulting firms demonstrate where value is being added.”
